Create a property for a bool variable that handles string and int


Viewed 985 times


I am creating a project in which I search the database information, in this case it is a DBF file, and the field is of the Logical type. However, I want to create a property that can receive a variable (either int, string or bool) and save to the bool private variable.

I already have methods that receive int (0/1) and transform into (True/False) and that receive string (T/F | V/F | S/N) and transform into (True/False). But I would like to do the treatment when "setando" the value of the field.

I tried to create 3 properties with each type of data, but when I use it says that there is more than one property with the same name. (Which would be in that case).

public override int Vip
    get { return clsGeneric.convertFromBool(vip); }
    set { vip = clsGeneric.convertToBool(value); }
public override string Vip
    get { return clsGeneric.convertFromBool(vip,clsGeneric.TypeRetBool.TF); }
    set { vip = clsGeneric.convertToBool(value); }
public override bool Vip
    get { return vip; }
    set { vip = value; }

And now it’s like this:

public override TipoGenérico Vip
    get { return vip; }
        if (value.GetType() == typeof(string))
            vip = clsGeneric.convertToBool((string)value);
        else if (value.GetType() == typeof(int))
            vip = clsGeneric.convertToBool(value);
        } else {
            vip = value;

I wanted to make the property accept both Int, string and Bool. Is there any way to do this?

Edit: The result would be this way?

Class DBPort
    private bool vip;
    public LogicalValue Vip
        get { return vip; }
        set { vip = value.Value; }
    public DBPort()
        Vip = false;


  • That way it doesn’t work?

2 answers


It is not possible to overload(Overload) property.
You have to create a class that encapsulates this behavior, anything like that:

public class LogicalValue

    public bool Value { get; }

    public LogicalValue(int value)
        Value = clsGeneric.convertToBool(value);

    public LogicalValue(string value)
        Value = clsGeneric.convertToBool(value);

    public LogicalValue(bool value)
        Value = value;

Note: You must add some kind of validation to the constructors.

The overload of the constructor allows to build objects Logicalvalue from a int, string or bool.

Your code would look like this:

Class DBPort
    public LogicalValue Vip { get; set;}

    public DBPort()
        Vip = new LogicalValue(false);


The use would be thus:

DBPort dpPort = new DBPort();
dbPort.Vip = new LogicalValue(true);ou (1) ou ("S")

bool valorVip = dbPort.Vip.Value;// valorVip é igual a true
  • I don’t understand how I can use this class to set the value in the property

  • Your property instead of the type bool becomes LogicalValue. To "set it" do nomeClasse.NomeProp = new LogicalValue(aqui pode ser ser bool ou int ou string); to get the value do bool valor = nomeClasse.NomeProp.Value;

  • I apologize for the ignorance, but I still do not understand, in question I put the code (sorry if I am not in the patterns here)

  • See the Reply Edition.


You can create two properties one of type Objct and the other bool, the first will serve as the basis for arrow the value of the other.

namespace stackoverflow
    public partial class AlterarTipo : System.Web.UI.Page
        private bool vip { get; set; }
        public  object Vip
            get { return vip; }
                if (value.GetType() == typeof(string))
                    vip = Convert.ToBoolean(value);
                else if (value.GetType() == typeof(int))
                    vip = Convert.ToBoolean(value);
                else {
                    vip = Convert.ToBoolean(value);

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Vip = "false";
            Vip = 1;
            Vip = true;
            Vip = false;
  • This answer is not good. It violates SOLID and get is insecure.

  • @Gypsy omorrisonmendez, do a better one, I’ll be glad to see how it can be done.

  • Has been done. My suggestion is to strongly type the property Vip, instead of a object.

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