Pass variables as parameter when loading page


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I have a Function that marks the location where a mouse click was given, putting a red circle in the click and saving the coordinates of where this click occurred.

Script that displays the mouse position when clicked on the page.

        document.getElementById('coord').value =( e.pageX + ":" + e.pageY)

Script that generates the clicked location marking.

 function click_pos(e, ele) {
   var x = e.pageX;
   var y = e.pageY;
   circle = document.getElementById('circle'); = x-15 + 'px'; = y-152+ 'px'; = 'block';

The manner in which the marking is performed

 <div class="row" onclick="click_pos(event, this)" id="ele" >
    <div id="circle"></div>
        <div class="row" id="teste" > </div> 

However, I need another page when loaded, take the sent coordinates and generate the tag at the location of the X:Y coordinate

I can pass this coordinates without problems, but I am not knowing how to load the page with the tag in this coord.

  • When click will redirect to the other page?

  • no... first I register, where among the information contained in the form is the X:Y coordinate. And then I recover this information as a result of a search.

1 answer


You can generate a JSON in your back-end (PHP) and load it via AJAX on your page through a URL defined by you (which can change according to the ID of the page, user, etc).

Example (in its back-end):

// Arquivo pegaCoordenadas.php

// Puxa todas as coordenadas de alguma consulta no banco
// e armazena o array na variável $coordenadas, exemplo:
$resultado = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM coordenadas WHERE ..."));
$coordenadas = $resultado->fetch_array(MYSQLI_NUM);

// Retorna essas coordenadas em formato JSON para a requisição AJAX
echo json_encode($coordenadas);

And in your client-side:

//retornaria algo como {x: 105, y: 387}
$.getJSON('pegaCoordenadas.php', gerarMarcacoes); 

function gerarMarcacoes(coordenadas) {
    var x = coordenadas.x;
    var y = coordenadas.y;

    circle = document.getElementById('circle'); = x-15 + 'px'; = y-152+ 'px'; = 'block';

What this code will be doing is basically making an AJAX request that returns the coordinates you want, and after returning these coordinates, you can use them in another function (gerarMarcacoes()) to create markup on your page.

  • sorry for the ignorance, but I didn’t understand the back-end part.

  • @Felipeoliveira the idea is that you create a URL that whenever accessed, access the database and return the coordinates in JSON format (to be read by Javascript on the client side).

  • After this you can access this file through your client and use the data returned by your PHP file to generate the circle in the indicated location. I edited the code in the answer to try to make it clearer.

  • at the moment ta working as follows: I first register, where among the information contained in the form is the X:Y coordinate. Then I retrieve this information as a result of a search, in the view.php page, where I would like you to already click with the tag. The way you are reporting, you would have to have another page only for the allocation of query results and then accessed by the view.php?

  • @Felipeoliveira Exact. But as in your case there is already a PHP page returning this data (view.php) what you can do is "embed" this information into it itself (adding an attribute in some HTML element, e.g.: <div id="coordenadas" data-x="<?php echo $x ?>" data-y="<?php echo $y ?>"></div>. When the page is rendered, just use Javascript to take this information from this element and apply it to the page itself.

  • shame (on my part)... I’m not getting it to work. I’m missing at some point or not knowing how to do it at all! :(

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