Laravel 5 - Timezone Wrong Time


Viewed 8,377 times


I switched the Timezone 'timezone' => 'America/Sao_Paulo', but not getting the GMT +3, which is the one in Brasilia.

You have to trade something else somewhere else, off app.php?

  • 2

    What time are you picking up? America/Sao_paulo is -3.

  • As in PHP config ?

  • you can create a test controller with the code echo date_default_timezone_get(); and date_default_timezone_set('Europe/London'); to modify the Timezone and check if the change happens.

  • 1

    Your question currently has two votes for closure, one as a problem that cannot be reproduced or typing error and one as not being clear enough. Reading your question, I understand that there is a lack of context and detail about your problem and what you did or didn’t do in the code. As for the vote to close or not, I particularly abstain.

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