Automate website browsing for software testing activities


Viewed 521 times


I’m on a web systems development project, accessed by the browser. We are constantly making modifications in the operation of the processes and at each specific period we perform a test on the functionalities of the system (registrations, validations, buttons, dimensions and etc). Many of these tasks are repetitive, long and done manually, so I would like to develop (in Java or C#) an application to perform such tests in an automated way. As needed I would only increase further testing in the application.

What I need: browse the site, take printscreen of certain pages, simulate clicks, simulate mouse movements, fill fields, capture page elements, scroll the page. And mainly simulate different browsers, including mobile (smartphone accesses). I mean, everything a customer would do naturally in my system.

How can I accomplish this with one of these languages? There is a library for this?


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    Make sure you’re there:

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    You can configure Selenium to use the Phantomjs, which is headless.

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