Format value to R$ on Chart JS chart


Viewed 628 times


Well some time ago, a user here at STACK helped me solve a problem with currency formatting on the Chart JS chart. But I found a new problem.

With the help of Sergio we were able to put the traffic to display values in real (R$). But when I put 2 results to be displayed the formatting does not work.

I will post the 2 code here through Jsfiddle, because it does not work here in STACK.

Follow the code working formatting, but with only 1 result:

And here follows the code with 2 results, and the formatting does not work.

Well if anyone can help me, give thanks.

  • 1

    The problem is the same as that other question, I closed as duplicate. If you want you can give your +1 there :) Your jsFiddle would look like this:

  • 1

    Thank you very much gave it right here.

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