Remove item in specific view in Brazilian


Viewed 46 times


I have a store in 3 languages with the exhibition of plots, being PT EN and ES, but I want to leave the display of plots only for PT.

how can I comment on these plots for EN and ES? is it possible?

the code of the plot is:

$vezes = $_product->getData('parcelas');
echo '<p><small><b>Parcele em até '.$vezes.'x sem juros</b></small><br />';

for ( $i=1; $i <= $vezes; $i++ ) {
 echo '<small>'.$i.'x de '.$_coreHelper->currency($_product->getFinalPrice()/$i, true, false).'</small><br />';
echo '</p>';

1 answer


The right would be to put an if at the beginning so:

if(Mage::app()->getStore()->getName() == 'PT'){
$vezes = $_product->getData('parcelas');
echo '<p><small><b>Parcele em até '.$vezes.'x sem juros</b></small><br />';

for ( $i=1; $i <= $vezes; $i++ ) {
 echo '<small>'.$i.'x de '.$_coreHelper->currency($_product->getFinalPrice()/$i, true, false).'</small><br />';
echo '</p>';

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