Highlight mouse click position with DIV overlay


Viewed 343 times


I’m not getting a DIV overlay on the location where the clic event is. I can map the coordinates of the mouse and store these values, but I need when you click on the page, to highlight this location with a circle or a note. I can do this highlighting by just entering the coordinates manually in the CSS and associating them to a button:

<style type="text/css"> 
  .divOverlay {

<!--Gera o DIV que exibira a marcação da local clicado -->

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function ShowOverlay(divID, xCoordinate, yCoordinate) { 
    var divObject = document.getElementById(divID); 
    divObject.style.visibility = "visible"; 
    divObject.style.left = xCoordinate; 
    divObject.style.top = yCoordinate; 

the DIV which is presented:(a red circle)

 <div id="div1" class="divOverlay"> <img src="../img/local.png" class="img-     rounded" alt="Local">  </div>

I need this highlight to occur at the mouse click on the clicked location.

1 answer


I wish I had something like this?

function ShowOverlay(divID) { 
    var divObject = document.getElementById(divID);
    var divOverlay = document.getElementById('div1'); 
    divObject.addEventListener('click', function(e){
    var x = e.pageX; 
    var y = e.pageY;
      divOverlay.style.visibility = "visible"; 
      divOverlay.style.left = x + "px"; 
      divOverlay.style.top = y + "px";
.divOverlay {
      background: #f00;

  width: 300px;
  height: 300px;
  background: #333;
<div id="div1" class="divOverlay"> <img src="../img/local.png" class="img-     rounded" alt="Local">  </div>


<div id="destaque" ></div>

  • Exactly.... this result is expected, but it remains visible instead of disappearing after a few seconds, but this is easy to correct,

  • @Felipeoliveira decided to play a little with the example of Samir https://jsfiddle.net/f2d7ent3/ (I know you are not doing what you expect, but you may find it useful in the future).

  • @Felipeoliveira, now no longer disappears :), was just that?

  • @Tobymosque, really, became very interesting. I liked it, leaving everything in 0.4s, mainly

  • I can retrieve the saved coordinates, but how do I load the page, mark these coordinates?

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