Create Mask in Framelayout


Viewed 36 times


Fala galera,

I have an image, and I’d like to create a mask, but I’m having a hard time.

1- I have this image

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

2- I would like to not touch the original size of the image, and present only a piece of it, like this:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

How should I proceed? I have to place the image in a framelayout and mask the frame?

Obs: I thought about Framelayout, because then through buttons, I will move the image inside the Frame.


  • Putting the image in the background in a div and then giving height, width and border-Radius, does not solve your case?

  • @Danieldeandradevarela What do you mean, a "div"? Can’t I do it with a Framelayout? I think about it because I need to move the image that is inside the mask after, it would act as a zoom, as the user moves his finger in the original image, I was setting X and Y in the mask zoom as well.

  • I’m sorry, I thought you were doing in HTML + CSS + JS, now that I realized you’re making a native application with Java for Android (correct?).

  • Yes, I’m doing in Java for Android

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