How to input accepting only letters?


Viewed 9,850 times


I am making a form and the user has to type only letters in the field of his name, I want to block for him to type some other type of character ah not be the letters, how do I do? I am programming with HTML5 and CSS 3. The form will be WEB.

  • 1

    Are you doing this on Web, Desktop in what language? Edit your question so it won’t be negative..

  • Which browsers do you want to support? What link are you using?

  • Please do not join parts of answers to include in the question. Merge the code you have but without modifying the question with pieces of answers.

2 answers


Hello, you can use Jquery to do this or use javascript without it.

Example with jQuery, no need to move on input, just be between tags <script></script>

$("#exemplo").on("input", function(){
  var regexp = /[^a-zA-Z]/g;

Without jQuery:

In input you will need to use a type event:

<input id="exemplo" onkeypress="return lettersOnly(event);"/>

Function between tags <script></script> at the end of the code

function lettersOnly(evt) {
    evt = (evt) ? evt : event;
    var charCode = (evt.charCode) ? evt.charCode : ((evt.keyCode) ? evt.keyCode :
        ((evt.which) ? evt.which : 0));
    if (charCode > 31 && (charCode < 65 || charCode > 90) &&
        (charCode < 97 || charCode > 122)) {
        alert("Enter letters only.");
        return false;
    return true;
  • Yes I am using jquery. I will test here with jquery!

  • 1

    I tested here to do with jquery I will send a part of my code to Voce see...

  • Check there and help me if possible I have to make the input text accept only letters.

  • Have a look

  • Be careful with the use of the patter because according to the w3schools it does not support some old browsers or safari, and this is a serious problem.

  • Ta good thank you very much! I will check..

  • Unfortunately it didn’t work?

  • Console error appears or nothing?

  • It does not appear, my code js was like: $("#name"). on("input", Function() { var regexp = /[ a-za-Z]/g; if ($(this). val(). match(regexp)) { $(this). val($(this). val(). replace(regexp, '')); } });

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I will make an example in javascriptpure.

Using regular expressions.

<form name="form_name" action="recebe_form.php" method="post">
    <input id="input_nome" type="text" name="fname">
    <input type="submit" value="Submit" onclick="valida_nome()">
    function valida_nome() {
        var filter_nome = /^([a-zA-Zà-úÀ-Ú]|\s+)+$/;
        if (!filter_nome.test(document.getElementById("input_nome").value)) {
            document.getElementById("input_nome").value = '';
            document.getElementById("input_nome").placeholder = "Nome inválido";
            document.getElementById("input_nome").style.borderColor = "#ff0000";
            document.getElementById("input_nome").style.outline = "#ff0000";
            document.getElementById("input_nome").onkeydown = function keydown_nome() {
                document.getElementById("input_nome").placeholder = "";
                document.getElementById("input_nome").style.borderColor = "#999999";
                document.getElementById("input_nome").style.outline = null;
            return false;
        } else {
            document.getElementById("input_nome").value = '';
            document.getElementById("input_nome").placeholder = "Nome Válido";
        return true;


This way you accept letters, accented letters and spaces.

It is advisable to perform the validation in the database also.

Here is a simple example on php.



$name = "";

        return false;
        $nome = htmlspecialchars($_POST["input_nome"]);
            return false; 

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