mousedown in select Firefox


Viewed 34 times


At the time of click in a <div> the <select> should open.

That way I can open the <select>.

  var element = $('#select')[0];
  var ev = new MouseEvent('mousedown');
<script src=""></script>
<select id="select">
<div class="teste">Aperte-me</div>

The code however does not work in Firefox.

The amazing thing is MDN document MouseEvent.

As I can do mousedown about a <select> in Firefox?

  • Programmatically open selects is a nightmare, use a custom select, know how to do?

  • No, I don’t know how to do it.

  • Take a look here:

  • Yes, I had seen this question and was using one of the solutions presented to my <select>, but the text inside it was too big and encavalava in the icon of :before. I used the :before in a <span> and I was able to format the <select> for Firefox as well.

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