Wrong width in Chart div


Viewed 314 times


I am trying to make an effect, when I choose an option in select, I show the corresponding div with highchart. Has 2 problems:

1- Width of Chart is not correctly completing width of div.

2- I’m not able to think of a way to hide the other options when one is shown. (will be more than 3 options, in the example have two not to complicate too much).



<div style="width:80%;">
<select class="selectchart" id="selectsolicitacoes"><option>Por mês</option><option value="#hg3">Por semana</option><option value="#hg2">Por dia</option></select><br>
<div id="hg2" style="min-width: 310px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto; display: none;">        </div>
<div id="hg3" style="min-width: 310px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto; display: none;">     </div>


    var element = $(this).val();
  • Igor, is this what you’re looking for? http://jsfiddle.net/6S9cZ/1/

  • 1

    Hello. Solved the second problem, the first one is not yet. The Chart is not appearing occupying the whole div only half of it

1 answer


Here is a suggestion:

Show and hide options:

    var $graficos = $('[id^=hg]').hide();
        var element = this.value; // tirei o "$(this).val()", não precisa de jQuery aqui
        $graficos.hide(); // esconder todos os elementos que cujo ID começa por "hg"

I suggest giving a longer ID so as not to risk my code "catching" other elements in the same selector. Maybe it’s a good idea to use a div around these graphics to have a more "right" selector, like $('#novaDiv [id^=hg]').hide();

Width of the Highchart

The problem seems to be that Highcharts cannot know the width of an element that is hidden. This is a bug acquaintance highcharts.

So, if in the initial CSS the elements are not with display: none;but rather with opacity: 0; Highcharts can render with the correct width. From there you can use the code as I had placed it.

Adding to this idea the use of the Hicharts onload event, you can use it like this:

    chart: {
        events: {
            load: function (event) {
                $('#hg2').hide().css('opacity', 1);
// fazer isto em cada gráfico


This solution is based in this answer, the ways I knew before, which are patches to the "bug" are to assign width: 100%; to Hicharts' div, or call a $(window).resize();

  • Sergio, I had already tried the width: 100% but if you notice, the top element has width:80% and when we put 100% Chart exceeds the above element.

  • @Igormartins as said is a known bug of Highcharts, I will take a look at the web again. The other solution I referred to is this: http://jsfiddle.net/6S9cZ/4/

  • @Igormartins, I completed the answer with "fresh information".

  • 1

    show!!! thank you so much for your patience.

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