2 gifs alternating the same space (frames loading correctly)


Viewed 2,249 times


Good evening guys, I’m having a little challenge here and so far I haven’t managed to get the groove, if anyone can help me I would be very grateful:

I am trying to put 2 gifs allocated in the same place of the page, as follows:


1-page load

2-load gif1

3- delay 6000ms

4-remove gif1

5- loading gif2

6- delay 6000ms

7-remove gif2


Thus in eternal loop.

I managed to put the 2 banners to disappear and appear, the problem is that disappearing (fade out), the gif keeps changing the frames, so when it comes back (fade in), it is in the middle of some frame, and then it is out of sync...

I searched here and it seems that I would have to remove the src attribute from the img tag, but I don’t know how to put this in my function...

Follows my code:

$( window ).load(function() {
    var $elem = $('#bannertoppage .bannerp'), l = $elem.length, i = 0;
    function go() {
        $elem.eq(i % l).fadeIn(100, function() {
            $elem.eq(i % l).fadeOut(100, function(){

Thanks in advance!

(solved) For those who need it, here is the final code:


<div class="gif-wrapper">
  <div id="0" class="gif-container">
    <img class="gif-change" src="https://upload-assets.vice.com/files/2015/12/31/1451587321dj.gif">
  <div id="1" class="gif-container">
    <img class="gif-change" src=''>


var gifs = [{src:'http://seusite.com.br/seugif1.gif', delay: 6000}, {src: 'http://seusite.com.br/seugif2.gif', delay: 6000}];
var totalGifs = gifs.length;
var gifShow = 0;

$('.gif-wrapper .gif-container:gt(0)').hide();
setTimeout(change_gif, gifs[gifShow].delay, gifShow);
function change_gif(gifShow) {
  $('.gif-wrapper .gif-container').hide();
  if(gifShow == totalGifs) gifShow = 0;
  $('.gif-wrapper #' +gifShow+ ' img.gif-change').prop('src', gifs[gifShow].src+ '?'+ new Date().getTime());
  setTimeout(change_gif, gifs[gifShow].delay, gifShow);
  $('.gif-wrapper #' +gifShow).show();

And @Miguel jsfiddle https://jsfiddle.net/7e6kkL2a/5/


  • 1

    This other question can also help you: http://answall.com/q/6457/73 (you can build a spritesheet with just the two gifs or simply replace the spritesheet if you have 2 of them).

  • @Luizvieira, it seems to me even duplicated because the answers there show how to solve this problem too.

  • 3

    @Sergio I briefly considered this possibility, but I concluded that it is not duplicated because this question effectively deals with the exchange of one "object" for another (so being a gif wouldn’t matter so much, and an answer here, when focused on that aspect, could help other people with similar needs).

1 answer


If I understand correctly this is what you want, the gif is completely removed and replaced so it always starts in the first frame of each, just have to adjust where it is 1000 (delay) for 6000, left so to understand better, faster. What I do here is to change even the image src:

// inserir todos gifs que quiser no array, o resto é automatico
var gifs = ['https://upload-assets.vice.com/files/2015/12/31/1451587321dj.gif', 'http://67.media.tumblr.com/3477cac5f71987b0775c219e2925f41a/tumblr_o9pxbm6ACi1r9mp00o1_500.gif'];
var totalGifs = gifs.length;
var gifShow = 0;

var changeTimer = setInterval(function() {
  if(gifShow == totalGifs) gifShow = 0; // se o gif a aparecer for == a num total de gifs este volta a 0
  $('.gif-change').prop('src', gifs[gifShow]); // alterar gif, mudamos a src da img
}, 1000); // Ajustar delay aqui
div {
  width: 200px;
img {
  width: 100%;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
  <!-- Aqui para carregar instantaneamente coloque o primeiro gif do array gifs na src -->
  <img class="gif-change" src='https://upload-assets.vice.com/files/2015/12/31/1451587321dj.gif'>

EXAMPLE jsfiddle, this already with delay 6000:

A bit more complete example, here you have the possibility to choose the delay for each one, since there are gifs with longer loops than others:

function change_gif(gifShow) {
  if(gifShow == totalGifs) gifShow = 0;
  $('.gif-change').prop('src', gifs[gifShow].src);
  setTimeout(change_gif, gifs[gifShow].delay, gifShow);

var gifs = [{src:'https://upload-assets.vice.com/files/2015/12/31/1451587321dj.gif', delay: 700}, {src: 'http://67.media.tumblr.com/134abb1904030694a97b6a74ce8fc88d/tumblr_o8axd3ylRR1qk4ealo1_1280.gif', delay: 3500}];
var totalGifs = gifs.length;
var gifShow = 0;

setTimeout(change_gif, gifs[gifShow].delay, gifShow);
div {
  width: 200px;
img {
  width: 100%;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

  <img class="gif-change" src='https://upload-assets.vice.com/files/2015/12/31/1451587321dj.gif'>

EXAMPLE in jsfiddle

  • Thanks for your attention friend! I will test here and inform you the result

  • OK @Hugodeveza. Tell me if any of the solutions work sff. Obgado

  • Okay, my problem is this, I’m using Analytics codes to send clicks and Impressions ( <a> tag with click tracking and <img> tag with view track) to each gif... A different block for each gif, so instead of just modifying the attribute 'src', I need to insert an entire div.

  • Tranquil @Hugodeveza, I’ll edit

  • I have the 2 html blocks of gifs in separate html files in case it is easier to insert and remove the files..

  • 1

    @Hugodeveza done here. https://jsfiddle.net/7e6kkL2a/5/ . Note prop, to make gif (restart) load like this. In this case make sure that each image (gif) is inside a div .gif-container whose id matches the index that gif has in the array gifs

  • It seems that it was but it would say 99%, see how it looked: http://smokebuddies.com.br/ja-pensou-em-ser-dono-da-sua-propria-headshop-transforme-sonho-reality/

  • 1

    Try it this way: https://jsfiddle.net/7e6kkL2a/6/ . This way you can specify the time each gif is visible. As we are re-loading gifs, we depend on the speed of the server, but so can be more specific

  • Very good @Miguel, then I’ll increase the duration of each frame a little and it’s cool. Thank you so much for the help!

  • You’re welcome @Hugodeveza. I’m glad it worked

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