Cannot find the Interop type that Matches the Embedded


Viewed 38 times


type 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application'. Are you Missing an Assembly Reference?

 FileCopy("\\Thulller\Sistema\ModeloAbertaFechada.xls", "\\Thulller\Sistema\Financeiro\" + txtNomeDoc.Text + ".xls")
            Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
            Dim xlWorkBook As Excel.Workbook
            Dim xlWorkSheet As Excel.Worksheet
            xlApp = New Excel.Application
            xlWorkBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("\\Thulller\Sistema\Financeiro\" + txtNomeDoc.Text + ".xls")
            xlWorkSheet = xlWorkBook.Worksheets("Plan1")
  • William welcome to stackoverflow in English , make a Tour and translate your question so that it can be analyzed.

  • William do what Marconcílio said, otherwise it will be negative several times and this is not good!

1 answer


The above message says one is missing reference a DLL "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application", be sure to add a reference to this DLL in your project. From my analysis I saw that you are using the Microsoft Office Tools, add the DLL reference as in the example below. Adicionar referência a DLL do Microsoft Office Tools

Remembering that this extension is available on NET FRAMEWORK 4.0 Client Profile.

  • Good morning, sorry I didn’t answer yesterday, I was a little busy ! I just have to thank the help but I ask for patience for the resolution because I am a layman in programming ! These problems are giving in a program that a friend of mine created and he is no longer able to give me the proper support so I have to manage myself ! All his config is in Visual Studio 10 with a database created in microsoft office access.

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