How to save several radiobuttons in Mysql database?


Viewed 508 times


Guys, I need to save several groups of radiobuttons in the bank. Example:

<input type="radio" value="sim" name="grupo1">
<input type="radio" value="nao" name="grupo1">

<input type="radio" value="sim" name="grupo2">
<input type="radio" value="nao" name="grupo2">

<input type="radio" value="sim" name="grupo3">
<input type="radio" value="nao" name="grupo3">

Are 3 different groups need to save the chosen radio value of each group in the bank.

Some help?

  • Guys, I forgot to tell you. Radio groups are dynamic depending on the page loaded. Depending can appear 3 groups, 4 groups, 120 groups. That’s the problem. I have to get the value of each group that appears when I load the page.

  • Solved. I created a for() to list all radios and capture values.

2 answers


Well, I’m not sure I understand your question yet here it goes..

You can for example in the "value" of each "radio", put 0 or 1, and consider 0 as no and 1 as yes. From there it is playing with these 2 values when the value is 1 marks when it is 0 ignores. For each group you use a unique ID genre.

Mysql example:

page_id ------ group_id ------ radio
page1 --------- group1 --------- 0
page1 --------- group2 --------- 1
page2 --------- group3 --------- 0
page2 --------- group4 --------- 0

You can use the same table on multiple pages with multiple groups, when you select to load use "WHERE page_id == page you want".

  • Thanks for the comment. Really it works. I added a comment to my question. I forgot to cocoar a remark.

  • Even if you have 120 groups, it’s still the same, as long as each group has a unique ID... You can also add a field in mysql to delimit the page. I will edit the above example.


Thiago When you submit the form the amount sent is only that of the radio selected. That’s because the radio group has the same name

You can test like this:

<form action="">
    <p>Pergunta 01</p>
    <label for="">Sim</label><input type="radio" value="sim" name="grupo1" required="">
    <label for="">Não</label><input type="radio" value="nao" name="grupo1" required="">
    <p>Pergunta 02</p>
    <label for="">Sim</label><input type="radio" value="sim" name="grupo2" required="">
    <label for="">Não</label><input type="radio" value="nao" name="grupo2" required="">
    <p>Pergunta 03</p>
    <label for="">Sim</label><input type="radio" value="sim" name="grupo3" required="">
    <label for="">Não</label><input type="radio" value="nao" name="grupo3" required="">

    if ($_GET){
        echo "<p>Pergunta 01: </p> " . $_GET['grupo1'];
        echo "<p>Pergunta 02: </p> " . $_GET['grupo2'];
        echo "<p>Pergunta 03: </p> " . $_GET['grupo3'];
  • Thanks for the comment. Really it works. I added a comment to my question. I forgot to cocoar a remark.

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