How can you make an automatic table , with organization and "pagination" in android?


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I need to make a data table with about 5 to 6 columns, with data from multiple arrays. The goal is to be able to have as close as possible to a management table where the user can organize the table by name , by id and so on and has to have paging to avoid it being a very large table.

First question what is the most suitable design to do? temdo in account that are 5 to 6 columns with data with long names.

Another question is how to automatically generate the table and make the "pagination" and organization by name, id etc.

Example of a table I did in html and php the goal was to have something similar on android :

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • ok, and what would it be like on Android? There are several ways to do it on Android. Maybe what you’re looking for can just be "javascript grid table".. Search for it to get an idea.

1 answer


Use a recyclerView and create a layout for the row and another for the header (this should be called when the position returns 0)

Here has an example of pagination.

Possible ways of organising:

  • When selecting a row you display the "x" and "?" options on Toolbar.
  • Use icons for the status column
  • Idparada can become ID
  • You can think of a use for the Float Action Button
  • If the line is always a color you can use a textView that would have the line color with a number in this color.


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