Alert only once Session


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I wanted to know how to make an Alert appear only 1 time for the user in the session, in the case the Loga user and appears a div with Alert informed Logged in successfully , after closing this Alert I want him not to show up while the session is open

the code that displays Alert when the user enters the system is this

<div class='alert alert-success alert-dismissible' role=alert><b>$logado</b> você foi logado com sucesso  - 
   <a href=logout.php class='alert-link'>Deslogar</a>
  <button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert' aria-label='Close'><span aria-hidden='true'>&times;</span></button>


1 answer


I think what you want in this context is by convention called flash of a message, appears once and 'self-destructs'. That’s how:

When you log in, let’s imagine that you do so (actually how you do it is not relevant, just to understand):

$_SESSION['loggedin'] = $user_id;
$_SESSION['logged_success'] = 'você foi logado com sucesso'; // acrescenta a sua mensagem também na sessão

Then in html taking advantage of what you have:

if(isset($_SESSION['logged_success'])) {
    echo "<div class='alert alert-success alert-dismissible' role=alert>" .$_SESSION['logged_success']. "</div>";
    unset($_SESSION['logged_success']); // depois de imprimir o que queremos apagamos esta var da sessão

In this case, how did the unset of the message that was saved in the session it will only appear once because the next one will no longer enter the if(isset($_SESSION['logged_success'])) {....

  • thanks friend , worked out here

  • You’re welcome @Thalleshonorato. I’m glad I helped

  • I do it with cookies, but next time I’ll use Session, much simpler.

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