Url friendly in ASP.NET Web Forms


Viewed 829 times


I would like to know how to make URL friendly in C# ASP.NET.

I tried to use in the file: global.asax but it didn’t work.

  • Is it for a new application or already exists? It is based on Web Forms or MVC?

  • @Intruder thank you for responding, the application already exists and is based on Web Forms

1 answer


In fact, it’s not Global.asax just that you do it. You need to install this package first.

Installed this, you need to put the line below in your Application_Start:


A file called App_Start/RouteConfig.cs. Within it, there must be a method in which the following line must exist:


So if you have a file called Teste.aspx at the root, with this configuration, Teste.aspx will be called as /Teste.

More information? See here.

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