Hello, I’m trying to query the user login data in the php database but I noticed that the variable that receives the function that makes the query always returns empty and I var_dump this variable that showed me only the FALSE value(Which indicates there was an error in the query, right?). Below the code for better understanding.
Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects Parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, Boolean Given in /opt/lampp/htdocs/projects/centralgames/dao/usuario_dao.php on line 35 NULL
'valida_login.php' is called by login form and receives user data via 'POST'.
//Recebe os campos da página login
$input_usuario = $_POST['usuario'];
$input_senha = $_POST['senha'];
include ('../dao/usuario_dao.php');
$usuario = seleciona_usuario($input_usuario, $input_senha);
//Se o resultado retornar vazio executa
//Mensagem de erro
$_SESSION['login_erro'] = "Usuário e/ou senha inválido(s)! Por favor, tente novamente.";
//Redireciona para a tela de login
//header('Location: ../index.php');
//Sessions que recebem os valores dos campos do banco de dados
$_SESSION['nome_usuario'] = $usuario['nome'];
$_SESSION['acesso_usuario'] = $usuario['permissao'];
$_SESSION['login_usuario'] = $usuario['login'];
if($_SESSION['acesso_usuario'] == 1)
$_SESSION['permissao'] = "Master";
header('Location: menu_master.php');
else//Implementar outras permissões
$_SESSION['permissao'] = "Usuário";
header("Location: menu_usuario.php");
'usuario_dao.php' is where the function that makes the query in the database is.
include ('../models/conexao.php');
//Função que seleciona usuário
function seleciona_usuario($login, $senha)
$conn = conectar();
$query = "SELECT * FROM tb_usuario WHERE (login='$login' AND senha=MD5('$senha'))";
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $query);
return mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
Thank you in advance to those who can help.
in the user file_dao.php add below
$result = ...
the code to followif($result === FALSE) {
and put us to see the cause– William Novak
Ok, I put the code and apparently the code itself generated an error that says the function 'mysqli_error()' expects to receive a parameter. Warning: mysqli_error() expects Exactly 1 Parameter, 0 Given in /opt/lampp/htdocs/projects/centralgames/dao/usuario_dao.php on line 35
– Guilherme Ramalho
What a thing! then put
within the functionmysqli_error
and rotate to see– William Novak
Thank you for returning. Searching I saw that the function expected to receive the connection as a parameter and I was able to print the error that makes you ashamed to speak. hahaha I was able to run the query in Phpmyadmin and in the code not simply because I was connected to a different database and the error returned to me that the table I was trying to access in the code did not exist. I apologize for any inconvenience and thank everyone who helped. Do what? Living and learning. Thank you.
– Guilherme Ramalho