Unavailable Database error when trying to connect Clientdataset using Firebird local base


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I am developing an application in Delphi 2010 and I’m using Firebird 2.5.
I created a Datamodule and put a Sqlconnection, Sqldataset, Clientdataset and right-clicking on the Clientdataset in the option Assign Place Date... is making the mistake Unavailable Database as attached print.

Name Sqlconnection
Driver Firebird
Database C: Projectdelphi Centralrit db BDLIVRO.FDB
Username SYSDBA
Password masterkey
Getdriverfunc getSQLDriverINTERBASE
libraryName dbxfb.dll
Vendorlib fbclient.dll

Name Sqldataset
Schemaname C: Projectdelphi Centralrit db BDLIVRO.FDB
Sqlconnect Sqlconnection
Connectionname Fbconnection
Driver Firebird
Database C: Projectdelphi Centralrit db BDLIVRO.FDB
Username SYSDBA
Password masterkey
Getdriverfunc getSQLDriverINTERBASE
libraryName dbxfb.dll
Vendorlib fbclient.dll

Name Clientdataset
Filename C: Projectdelphi Centralrit db BDLIVRO.FDB

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  • Have you checked whether Firebird services are running normally? Can you access any other database through another application?

  • ola for me worked this way with localhost:C: bank path

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