Last position of an Array


Viewed 24,936 times


In PHP, what is the fastest and easiest way to get the last position of an Array?

I got it by doing $array[ count($array) - 1 ], and it works, but there’s some way simpler and less ugly?

3 answers


You can use the end().

$ultimo = end($minhaArray);

Another alternative is the array_pop() but this method also removes the last element, I do not know if it is what you need.

If it is an associative array you need to put the array in the last item and then fetch the key()

$ultimaChave= key($minhaArray);

If you want to create a new array with the last element, you can use array_slice(), this method allows creating a new array with several elements of the original array, through the second parameter indicating how many end elements should be passed.

$ultimo = array_slice($minhaArray, -1)
  • 2

    Who voted negative can also leave explanation if found some inaccuracy.

  • 1

    Thanks! That’s just what I needed!


To leave the array in the last element use the function end()

$arr = array ('maça', 'banana', 'melancia', 'morango', 'uva');
echo end($arr);

the exit is : uva

  • 1

    Why the negative vote? +1


The function end(), makes the pointer point to the last element of the array, so if you do:

$array = array('primeiro','segundo','último');


the exit will be:

string 'primeiro' (length=8)
string 'último' (length=6)
string 'último' (length=6)

The function Current(), returns the current position of the array

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