What is dynamic SQL?


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I have seen many cases where some show how to use, and others where they simply advise against using SQL dynamic. I had the following doubts:

  1. But anyway, when we should or should not use dynamic SQL?
  2. What care should we take when using?
  3. What are the restrictions?
  4. And what are the alternatives?

Example: imagine an application that calls the following procedure.

create proc teste
@NomeColuna varchar(50),
@nomeTabel varchar(50),
@NomeColunafiltro varchar(50)
@filtro varchar(50)

select @NomeColuna 
  from @nomeTabel
 where @NomeColunafiltro = @filtro

Where the consultation of query is fully (or partially) mounted through the parameters.

1 answer


1.But at last when we should or should not use dynamic SQL ?

Well, we should not always prefer what is dynamic to what is static by several reasons. With regard to databases, where possible we should use static instructions. The static instructions are those that we usually program in an application and that will be forwarded to the database by an access method. They can be static to the database and be dynamically mounted in the application.

When to use :

1º Dynamic SQL is useful when you are replacing parts of a query that cannot be replaced by other methods.

2º SQL whose text is unknown at compile time.

3º SQL that is not supported as static SQL.

When not using :

1º For security, the dynamic SQL is propitious to occur risks if you do not know how to deal with it correctly.

2º The cache and plan optimization using applied parameterization to help deal with constant recompilations.

3rd Successful build creates scheman object dependencies.

An example of dynamic SQL :

Nondynamic sql command :

var command = new SqlCommand("select * from myTable where id = @someId");
command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@someId", idValue));

Dynamic sql command :

var command = new SqlCommand("select * from myTable where id = " + idValue);

What care should we take when using ?

You need to be very careful with dynamic SQL. A very dynamic SQL can drag down the performance of SQL Server because it cannot store optimization details or dynamically generated SQL execution plans. Blocking problems may occur as well.

If we wish to make some manipulation the data returned by a dynamic execution, we should make use of a temporary table that will be completed with return to execution. This table temporary will store the last result of(s) dynamic instruction(s) (s) and shall contain the same amount and data types of the columns as the result.

The dynamic instructions are executed in the context of the current database and, if within the dynamic instruction the context database is modified, it is only valid during the dynamic execution.

3. What are the restrictions ?

A common question among dynamic SQL users is why the following code does not work :

CREATE PROCEDURE my_proc @tablename sysname AS
   SELECT * FROM @tablename

When you start passing table names and columns as parameters, you are definitely losing control.

If you want to do the above (except the fact that SELECT * should not be used in the production code), to reduce typing, you are on the wrong track. It is much better to write ten or twenty stored procedures, even if they are similar to each other.

UPDATE tbl SET @colname = @value WHERE keycol = @keyval

In this case, people want to update a column they want to select at runtime. The above description is really cool in T-SQL, but what happens is simply that the @colname variable is assigned to the @value value value value for each affected row in the table.

In this case, dynamic SQL would ask the user to have UPDATE permissions in the table, something that is not good. Therefore, there is every reason to avoid it. Here is a fairly simple solution:

SET    col1 = CASE @colname WHEN 'col1' THEN @value ELSE col1 END,
       col2 = CASE @colname WHEN 'col2' THEN @value ELSE col2 END,

Another mistake that people have in common is wanting to access another database through the following way in dynamic SQL :

SELECT * FROM @dbname + '..tbl'

In this case, the table is in another database, which is somehow dynamically determined. There seem to be several reasons why people want to do this, and depending on their underlying reason, the solution is different.

Another common mistake is that people create tables with unknown columns :

CREATE TABLE with Unknown Columns

Sometimes I see people breaking their heads to understand why they create a temporary table in dynamic SQL, and then they can’t access it, because it disappeared when dynamic SQL came out. What you need to do is create the table outside of dynamic SQL.

One solution is to create a global temporary table, one with two # in the name, for instance of ##. This table is visible to all processes (so you may have to take precautions to make the name unique), and unless you explicitly leave it, it exists until your process exits.

4.What are the alternatives ?

I see a lot of people complaining that dynamic SQL is not safe, and it might not be safe even if you don’t know how to handle it correctly,because of SQL Injection it is very dangerous for you to handle important data if you don’t know about dynamic SQL.

Example of SQL Injection :

DROP TABLE secret_records;
CREATE TABLE secret_records (
  user_name    VARCHAR2(9),
  service_type VARCHAR2(12),
  value        VARCHAR2(30),
  date_created DATE

INSERT INTO secret_records (
  user_name, service_type, value, date_created
VALUES ('Andy', 'Waiter', 'Serve dinner at Cafe Pete', SYSDATE);
INSERT INTO secret_records (
  user_name, service_type, value, date_created
VALUES ('Chuck', 'Merger', 'Buy company XYZ', SYSDATE);

There are some alternatives to dynamic SQL,some of them are :


It is a cleaner way to avoid concatenating the database name for each object referenced in the declaration.

ALTER PROCEDURE getTableNames @db_name sysname
    -- use a @sql variable to store the whole query
    -- without concatenating the database name
    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max);
    SET @sql = 'SELECT name FROM sys.tables';
    -- concatenate the database name to the
    -- sp_executesql call, just once
    DECLARE @cmd nvarchar(max);
    SET @cmd = 'EXEC '+ QUOTENAME(@db_name) +'.sys.sp_executesql @sql';
    EXEC sp_executesql @cmd, N'@sql nvarchar(max)', @sql

EXEC getTableNames 'msdb';

PROS : Dynamic SQL is taken as a whole and no multiple concatenations need to be created.

CONS : It needs a little more work than a straight concatenation and can be seen as "obscure". Suffers from the same problems encountered with dynamic SQL, because the statement is again treated as a string.

System Object

Nice and easy: every stored procedure you create in the main database with the prefix "sp_" can be executed from any database context.

USE master;
ALTER PROCEDURE sp_getTableNames
    SELECT name FROM sys.tables
EXEC sys.sp_MS_marksystemobject 'sp_getTableNames'
USE msdb;
EXEC sp_getTableNames;

PROS : No need to use dynamic SQL.

CONS : Requires the creation of objects in the "master" database, which is something that is best avoided. Works only with stored.

I think this has already given to remove some of your doubts, here and here.

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