View full time Amcharts Gantt Chart


Viewed 74 times


In this URL Gant Chart is displayed a demo of a chart, listing names and displaying time of completion of tasks.

It happens that even searching, reading the documentation, changing format (format), period (period), among other options, I could not display the seconds along with the hour and minute, nor make the script take into account minutes and seconds in the calculation of tasks.

In the current demo, if any employee starts activity 12hs, and lasts 3 hours, it displays the range 12-15 on the chart. But if the activity starts 12hs and lasts 1 hour, 20 minutes and 33 seconds, it does not show in as much detail.

  • The correct is Gantt Chart.

  • 1

    You can always edit [Edit] the question and update. If you made a jsFidddle it would be much easier to help.

  • I did not make a jsFiddle because in the link I reported there is a blue button in the upper right corner that allows editing and testing online, as in jsFiddle. Thanks for the correction.

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