How to declare a global queue?


Viewed 91 times


I want a queue to be declared globally. I have declared the queue as follows in my file . h:

extern std::queue<SotpPacket*> reg;

I want to access the queue in my file . cpp, but I’m not getting.

  • 1

    So put your code in so we can see what’s wrong.

  • I am making this statement, but when one does not make an insertion in the queue and then another does an insertion and checks the values contained in the queue, can not see the value that the first entered. As if the old value had been lost

  • When a no 1 adds in the queue, for example, when no 2 is operating in the queue I want what was added by 1 to be visible to both. Only this is not happening. It seems that info is getting lost

  • @Renandasilvaalves I think you’re confusing extern with a kind of "export".

1 answer


I think the problem is in the use of exter in file . h, it indicates the way the compiler will store the variable.

Your setting variable in the header file should not contain the word extern unless you are importing the variable from another source code.

I suggest you make the statement normally std::queue<SotpPacket*> reg; and use the extern in the source codes using the variable.

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