Addition to an autocomplete


Viewed 39 times


I have an autocomplete with the code below.

<p:outputLabel styleClass="rotulos" value="Fornecedor:" />
        <p:autoComplete id="inputfornecedor" update="msgcontapagar"
            value="#{contapagarBean.object.fornecedor}" effect="fold" completeMethod="#{contapagarBean.completeFornecedor}"

I am looking for a way in case the vendor does not match any listed pop up a button suspended with the option to add it.

1 answer


You can define in your controller (Managedbean) an attribute of the Boolean type. When you perform a search and the results come empty, you set this attribute to false.

private Boolean fornecedorExiste = true;//<--
private String fornecedorSelecionado;

public List<String> completeText(String query) {
    fornecedorExiste = true;
    FornecedorDao dao = new FornecedorDao();
    List<String> results = dao.listar(query);
    if (results.isEmpty()) {
        fornecedorExiste = false;//<--
    return results;

And links this attribute to the rendered commandButton

<p:outputPanel autoUpdate="true">
    <p:commandButton id="btnNovo" value="Novo"
                rendered="#{not testeControl.fornecedorExiste}" />

So whenever there are no results to return (the searched provider does not exist) the button will be rendered.

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