I need to deploy an Laravel project installed on a dev pc on a Linux server.
After downloading everything via Git, some folders are ignored by .gitignore
How do I run Composer to reinstall all dependencies? It also has npm?
I need to deploy an Laravel project installed on a dev pc on a Linux server.
After downloading everything via Git, some folders are ignored by .gitignore
How do I run Composer to reinstall all dependencies? It also has npm?
You can follow the tutorial for installing and configuring the Laravel here on official documentation.
Taking into account that you have php
and composer
in its global variable PATH
, for a new Laravel installation, run:
composer create-project laravel/laravel nome-do-seu-projeto --prefer-dist
I will again consider that you are running an operating system Linux
and with the git
installed, do the following:
git clone git@github.com:seuprojeto
cd seuprojeto
composer install --no-scripts
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate
Next you should configure the file . env and run the Migrations with:
php artisan migrate --seed
Regarding npm, this varies from project to project, but you will probably also need to run the following commands:
npm install
bower install
If you have no idea what these commands mean, I suggest you start studying one by one before putting an application into production. The official documentation of Laravel 5.2
contains two examples projects developed step-by-step, it is not a bad idea to start there, is in English but the text is easy to read.
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