Laravel, foreach and database


Viewed 1,613 times


I have the following table in the database

  public function up()
     Schema::create('cidades', function (Blueprint $table) {

I’ve already created the city model


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Cidade extends Model

already tested insert data from Tinker and worked.

use App\Cidade
$cidade= new cidade
$cidade->nome_uf= "teste";

But now I can’t give a foreach, no view.... How do I list the names of all cities and give a foreach to appear in the view?

2 answers


First I advise you to insert in your Model the values that will be editable with the fillable parameter.

Model (in the folder of your City.php app project)

<?php namespace Cidades;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Cidade extends Model {

    //------------Dados Editavéis----------------------
    //Definindo dados que poderão ser alterados
    protected $fillable = [


Controller Cidadecontroller.php

public function index()
    $cidades = \Cidades\Cidade::orderBy('id');
    return view('cidade.index', compact('cidades'));

View index.blade.php in your project in the Resources views folder

    <th> ID </th>
    <th> UF </th>
    <th> NOME UF </th>
    <th> ... </th>
    @foreach($cidades as $cidade)

No mistake

  • In fact if you’re gonna put all the fields like $fillable you might as well use protected $guarded = [];,


Taking into account that your ORM is working, I’ll show you a simple way to solve the problem, sharing data between a controller and its view works as follows:

Http Controllers app Usercontroller.php

class UserController extends Controller
    public function index()
        $users = User::all();

        return view('user.index', compact('users'));

How I’m looking for the view 'user.index' in the controller, we’ll need the file at the exact location:



@foreach ($users as $user)
        {{ $user->name }}


If you are experiencing difficulties in this matter, I suggest a thorough reading of the topics related to ORM at official documentation of Laravel, is in English but is a simple and easy to read text.

  • Class 'App Http Controllers User' not found Gave this error

  • You should not use the User class, but the City class. I used User just so you understand the process of sharing information between the controller and the view. It is very important that you follow a tutorial before trying to make your own projects, such as this for example, the official documentation of Laravel.

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