How to get current date with time in js?


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How to get current date with time in js?

I need to know how many days you ran after a certain date. I’m using momentjs

var start = moment( "2016/06/17" );
var end = moment( new Date() );
var time =;
console.log( moment.duration(time, 'days').humanize());

My problem is that for the same day, I need the time difference of the date. Only the time is reset, so the difference is equal to zero.

1 answer


vc can use the momentjs diff function. And when creating a new Moment() you are already creating it with the current date.


If you want the text to appear in English just add the library en.js and put as first command of js Moment.locale('en-BR');

var start = moment("2016-06-17T09:00:00");
var end = moment();

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

  • It worked perfectly. Thank you!!

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