Tabbar Android how to create


Viewed 301 times


Someone has example of how to create tabs on Android, Whatsapp style?

Follow the example I wish:

In the example, I want to create Calls, Chats and Contacts tabs

And finally, in the second image, how to add a photo in the bar and side the name of the person?

I just need an example.

Thank you

1 answer


This scheme with the tabs Whatsapp, It is called Viewpager.

You can see an example of the codes and even download a project and import in your Android Studio to see how it is done, in the Android documentation itself, follows the link:

For the photo next to the name, it is a little more complicated, you need to search by listview/recyclerview with a custom Adapter.

It doesn’t make up for me sending you links with examples here, because they can be changed without notice, so it’s worth your while to Google yourself about listview with custom Adapter.

Remember to always search in English, the content found will be much richer than if you search in Portuguese.

Any questions you have researching on these issues of a question here on the topic that we will help you.


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