.htaccess to URL friendly


Viewed 6,399 times


How do I make rules Mod_Rewrite (htaccess) for my pages? I’m not used to .htaccess

Rules I would like:

www.exemplo.com/index.php for www.exemplo.com

www.exemplo.com/perfil.php for www.exemplo.com/perfil

www.exemplo.com/perfil.php?p=fulano-da-silva for www.exemplo.com/perfil/fulano-da-silva

www.exemplo.com/video.php?p=fulano-da-silva&m=nome-do-video for www.exempli.com/perfil/fulano-da-silva/nome-do-video



RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?pag=$1


$atual = (isset($_GET['isw'])) ? $_GET['isw'] : 'home';
 $pasta = 'paginas';
if (substr_count($atual, '/') > 0) {
    $atual = explode('/', $atual);
    $pagina = (file_exists("{$pasta}/" . $atual[0] . '.php')) ? $atual[0] : 'erro';
    $id = $atual[1];
    $busca = @$atual[2];    

} else {    
    $pagina = (file_exists("{$pasta}/" . $atual . '.php')) ? $atual : 'erro';
    $id = 0;


<?php require_once('url.php') ?>
<?php include $pasta.'/'.$pagina.'.php'; ?>

Someone could shed a light?

  • 4

    Tremendous injustice here.. They edited my topic so many times it doesn’t even look like what I wrote anymore. The topic that linked to mine does not have the same characteristics, the guy formulated the question and only put the . htaccess, I would like to know how you could select which level by PHP.. This fact that anyone can edit what you write, sometimes ends up hurting someone who has a fair question. I, for example, could not do what I was looking for with the tips given in the other topic, until I got something, but nothing as I needed. The issues misread my topic.

1 answer


  • 2

    Thanks for the help. It was vague and unusual, but it was the only one who minimally tried to help.

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