How to get the answer from an Activity called an Arrayadapter class?


Viewed 94 times


I have the Activity ActLevantamento, where I created a custom layout using a class inherited from ArrayAdapter, class AtributoArrayAdapter.

In this custom layout, I have a button, and in the call of this button I call the Activity ActPlantaEncontrada. The idea is to edit/insert values in ActPlantaEncontrada and return this values to my AtributoArrayAdapter. If it were an Activity calling another Activity I could utilize the startActivityForResult() and get the return in the method onActivityResult(), but it is not possible.

How to do this?

Below excerpt from the class Attributtoarrayadapter where I call Activity to edit/insert the values. The edition is not yet implemented.

 Intent it = new Intent(context, ActPlantaEncontrada.class);
                    it.putExtra(Constants.PARAM_PERFIL_NOME, avh.stPerfilNome);
  • The difficulty arises because you are assigning a responsibility to the Arrayadapter that he should not have. Remember that an Adapter has only one responsibility: to act as an intermediary between a data source(array) and its visual representation(listview)

  • 1

    Really! I handled the event in Activity itself where I build the dynamic layout. Thank you very much.

  • In programming when something we want to do gets complicated it’s usually because we’re taking the wrong approach.

  • 1

    Always good a second look to clear up where we’re going wrong.

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