use if in sql server


Viewed 29,127 times


I have 3 tables in my database, CUSTOMERS, DISTRIBUTORS and EXPORT and I have a production order table where I take the customer type (Distributor, customer or export) and the ID of each of them. the question is: has as I put a if in the select, to be able to join the 3 tables with the production order? type like this:

if (tipocliente == CLIENTE)
    select CamposDaTabela from OrdemDeProduçao inner join Cliente
if (tipocliente == Distribuidor)
    select select CamposDaTabela from OrdemDeProduçao inner join Distribuidor
if (tipocliente == exportaçao)
    select CamposDaTabela from OrdemDeProduçao inner join Exportaçao

It would be possible to do so within the same sql?

5 answers


In a nutshell:

You can use the function CASE:

                  WHEN Obsolete = 'N' or InStock = 'Y' 
                     THEN 1 
                  ELSE 0 
             END AS bit) as Saleable, * 
FROM Product

Here has several examples and explanations.


I’m not sure I quite understand the question, but come on.

You could do 3 SELECTS and use UNION to return everything at once, like this:

SELECT CamposDaTabela, CampoCliente 
  FROM OrdemDeProduçao 
 INNER JOIN Cliente ON ...
 WHERE tipocliente = cliente


SELECT CamposDaTabela, CampoDistribuidor 
  FROM OrdemDeProduçao 
 INNER JOIN Distribuidor ON ...
 WHERE tipocliente = distribuidor


SELECT CamposDaTabela, CampoExportacao 
  FROM OrdemDeProduçao  
 INNER JOIN Exportaçao ON ...
 WHERE tipocliente = exportacao


SELECT CamposDaTabela, NULL AS CampoNulo // ou substitua por 0, ou string vazia, dependendo do tipo de dados nas outras selects...
  FROM OrdemDeProduçao  
 WHERE tipocliente = NULL
  • opa Emerson was exactly that... but now another little problem... can happen that the typoclient is null ... has to display the null tbm??

  • Yes, just do one more SELECT, add it with UNION. In this case, as the client type is NULL ,you will not JOIN with any table. I will edit my answer to contemplate this case.

  • Modified response, check.

  • good i tried here and gave this message: Message 205, Level 16, Status 1, Line 1 All queries Combined using a UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT Operator must have an Equal number of Expressions in their target lists.

  • This means that the 4 selects must return the same number of fields. Even, these fields have to be of the same type of data. Otherwise you cannot use UNION. If you cannot correct the error change your question and place the new SELECT to make it easy.

  • is pq no select do null is a field unless the fact of not joining with another... would have like me to create an empty field in select hr just to be equal??

  • Response edited by adding the null field in the last SELECT. It could also be an empty string, or a 0, depending on the type of data used in the other 3 SELECTS. Check.

  • Ahhh gave it right ... vlw msm face vdd thanks

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ELSE (IF... ELSE) (Transact-SQL)

Imposes conditions on the execution of an instruction Transact-SQL. The instruction Transact-SQL (sql_statement) following the Boolean_expression will be executed if the Boolean_expression is assessed as TRUE. The optional keyword ELSE is an instruction Transact-SQL alternative that is executed when the Boolean_expression is assessed as FALSE or NULL.



It is an expression that returns TRUE or FALSE. If Boolean_expression contains a SELECT statement, it should be included in parentheses.

{ sql_statement | statement_block }

It is any valid Transact-SQL statement or instruction grouping as defined with a block of instructions. To define a block of instructions (batch), use the BEGIN and END keywords of the flow control language. Although all Transact-SQL statements are valid in a BEGIN block... END, certain Transact-SQL statements should not be grouped in the same batch (instruction block).

SET @Number = 50;
IF @Number > 100
   PRINT 'The number is large.';
      IF @Number < 10
      PRINT 'The number is small.';
      PRINT 'The number is medium.';
   END ;


You can do the way you’re doing, the only difference is that in sql you only use one = to compare.

declare @tipocliente int = 3, @CLIENTE int = 1, @Distribuidor int = 2, @exportaçao int = 3

if (@tipocliente = @CLIENTE)
print 'select CamposDaTabela from OrdemDeProduçao inner join Cliente'
if (@tipocliente = @Distribuidor)
print ' select select CamposDaTabela from OrdemDeProduçao inner join Distribuidor'
if (@tipocliente = @exportaçao)
print 'select CamposDaTabela from OrdemDeProduçao inner join Exportaçao'


So personal...

from the version 2012 SQL Server, it is now possible to use "in line if"

IIF(expression, value_se_true, value_se_false)

Obviously the solutions already presented would give better support/guarantee to the programmer, because they would even work in older versions of SQL Server.

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