Singleton standard


Viewed 448 times


I am creating a project in C# and WPF, and I need to control instances of WPF windows, IE if I open a window in a code part with wndJanela.Show(), I want that when calling the Show() method again from another part of the code, open the same first window. For this I used the Singleton standard. But it turns out, when I call wnsJanela.Close() and try again to call the Show(), there is an error in runtime with the following message:

An unhandled Exception of type 'System.Invalidoperationexception' occurred in Presentationframework.dll Additional information: It will not be possible to set Visibility or call Show, Showdialog or Windowinterophelper.Ensurehandle after a Window is closed.

Follow my code below:

public static wndCadastroUsuario instance; //Campo publico estático que armazena a instancia da classe
    private wndCadastroUsuario() //Construtor privado

    public static wndCadastroUsuario getInstance() //Método para obter a instancia
        if (instance == null)
            instance = new wndCadastroUsuario();

        return instance;
  • I saw an example of Pattern Singleton implementation at this link:

1 answer


if you wish to reopen the window at some point, then do not use the Close, use the method Hide

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