I have a date formatting problem with the date component dateEdit
of devExpress
. I need the field date formatted as follows: 01/01/2016. And when typing the values, go to the next character without having to type the "/" to pass to the other field (month/year). Another constraint is that this field must accept empty or null value.
For when clearing the date field it puts an initial date that is 01/01/0001, but should stick with __/ __/____.
What you’ve already done?
– Marco Souza
I have tried several ways: -Nulltext = "MM/dd/yyyy" Editformat = Editformat.Custom Editformatstring = "MMMM dd, yyyy" -Editformat = Editformat.Simple Editformatstring = "99/99/9999" I have tried several switches. And none of them satisfied what I needed.
– Marcos Vinicius
Have you opened a call in Devexpress? If you have a valid license they answer in less than 1 day. But I will try to answer the question..
– Loudenvier