I have my own SMS sending code in PHP SOAP Web Service as you see below:
try {
$webservice = new SoapClient("https://services.tvest.net.br:62003/sys/wsdl", array("trace" => 1, "login" => "blabla", "password" =>
} catch (Exception $e) {
$webservice->enviarSMS("5522998318901", "teste");
The question is: how I’m going to start an SMS confirmation login PHP from that code, I’m having difficulties !!!
what you mean by: "start a PHP of SMS Confirmation Login" ?
want to start creating an authenticator by sms, client puts the number of the mobile and goes a code for it and it authenticates in my base
– user22753
What will this client need to put for the system to send the SMS? Only the mobile number? This number is already recorded somewhere?
– Fleuquer Lima
only the cell phone number !!! and nothing else
– user22753