Error in WPF application, but only on some machines


Viewed 75 times


I made a small application to extract a file .zip. It works, but when I run on three other machines, it doesn’t work. The error is this:

An error occurred while creating ZIP file

Undefined object reference for an object instance

The question is very simple. When I install a WPF application, I need to install something other than exe, app.config and the referenced DLL’s?

Note: The application is on the network and all the machines access via shortcut, pointing to the same place(address). I need to do something else on the local machine?

Thank you all from now on.

  • It would not be the lack of . Net Framework ?

  • I thought about it too, but I can’t keep installing, trying. I need to be sure that this is it and I don’t know how to do this check.

  • It’s simple, make sure that the version of . net that compiled your project is equal to or higher than that on the client computer. Just in case, install the latest version of S.O.

1 answer


I solved the problem as follows. I generated another app with messages and Try.. catch in several places(debug in run time) and saw that the connection with the BD gave error. There is a tag in my app.config that was not working.

    <version number="*">
        <dataSource alias="SampleDataSource" descriptor="(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=serveralpha)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=ORCL))) " />

I saw that this tag was not being read. So I copied the TNSNAMES.ora, I removed all the lines, leaving only the lines referring to the connection with that bank. That way it worked. I just don’t understand why TNSNAMES in the same folder as EXE, but this is for another post.

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