GPS oscillating even when in a fixed location


Viewed 954 times


I’m working on an Ionic app, with traceability, but the gps signal oscillates very certain 200m, even being in a fixed place, know some solution for this?

  • 1

    Indoors is normal the GPS oscillate. It has more precision in open places.

  • Do you know any way I can simulate a "parked" event and re-capture it when I’m on the move again?

  • It may have a shape but I particularly do not know, never tried to do something like this.

  • 3

    There’s no way you can tell if it’s actually stopped just by the GPS. One possibility would be to make a "rounding" of previous readings, but there would be a delay in the movement. I could condition the rounding to an accelerometer (if you don’t have acceleration for a certain time, consider that you are stationary). Remembering that in this case, the simple fact of the person handling a phone (if the GPS is a phone, of course) would be detected as movement. It would help you [Edit] the question and give a little more detail than your application will do and the type of GPS, for more specific suggestions.

  • Usually a smartphone does not have GPS. The location is through mobile phone antennas. Each antenna has GPS and by means of calculations, popularly known as "antenna triangulation", the approximate location of the device is determined. And note that it is not always a precise location, even if it is stationary. With "real" GPS this is not common. We use the term GPS for smartphones because it is easier than saying "antenna triangulation" and commercially also this term does not glue. So it was like this "GPS".

  • 1

    @Danielomine, your statement is not correct. Smartphones have GPS location yes. The location by the antennas is one more way to derive the location, but the one that has more precision is the GPS. Download an app called GPS Test on Google Play, it shows the position and signal received from GPS satellites. About the GPS oscillating even while stationary, it is completely normal: As Bacco said, the application needs to deal with it in some way, but by far it is a trivial problem to solve.

  • What I put in there is that there is a "real GPS" in smartphones. It is a little inferior to a dedicated GPS,. And there is the location system by telephone network (triangulation)... but anyway, it is not something trivial to the question.

  • @If "by far it’s a trivial problem to solve", why don’t you offer an answer? It would certainly help AP and others in the future. :)

  • 1

    @Luizvieira, I wrote it wrong, I wanted to say that from afar nay is a trivial problem to solve. Excuse me.

  • @Ah, ok. Got it. rs No problem.

  • @Renancesar, can tell me if the phone you are using accepts only the mode A-GPS (Assisted-GPS)?

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1 answer


The real accuracy of a device depends on the chipset, the location where you are ( in a closed place, tends to be more inaccurate), among others.

The typical accuracy of a handheld GPS device would be something like 30% of its measurements within 50 meters of the actual position (yes, the devices are inaccurate).

To try to minimize, you can take into account only the most accurate positions!

Follow an example:

var options = {
  enableHighAccuracy: true,
  timeout: 5000,
  maximumAge: 0

function success(pos) {
  var crd = pos.coords;
  if(crd.accuracy < 25){
      // usamos apenas as com presição menor que 25 metros

function error(err) {
  console.warn('ERROR(' + err.code + '): ' + err.message);

navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(success, error, options);


enableHighAccuracy : The attribute enableHighAccuracy provides a hint that the app would like to receive the best possible results. This can result in slower response times or increased energy consumption. The user may also deny this capability, or the device may not be able to provide more accurate results than if the flag was not specified. The intended purpose of this attribute is to allow applications to inform the implementation that they do not require high-precision geolocation corrections and, Therefore, the implementation can avoid using geolocation providers that consume a significant amount of energy (e.g., GPS). This is especially useful for applications that run on battery-powered devices such as mobile phones.

Accuracy : This specifies the level of accuracy of latitude and longitude coordinates. It is specified in meters and must be supported by all implementations. The value of the Accuracy attribute shall be a non-negative real number.

In the example above, we take only the coordinates with an accuracy of less than 25 meters. That means he could be within 25 meters of this position.


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