Gps or antenna triangulation - How to know the accuracy of the location?


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I have an app that uses the Location api and works right on most devices, but has one that even on the gps does not work with adequate accuracy( goes over the house and not on the street).

By the test I did he uses antenna triangulation even with the GPS on.

Does anyone know if there is a way to validate which type of location the device is using.

If it is with a low precision (antenna triangulation) I can trace a route between two points. If I do not use the route that the gps showed.

  • Even the GPS does not have a 100% accuracy, it depends a lot on the signal of the region, and the device you are using. And GPS is not the only location system, there are others that may even be more accurate depending on the purpose.

  • If you are using the first position that the system returns to you, the chances are high that it is an antenna triangulation, which is obtained faster than the GPS. You can validate the source by the method Location.getProvider() or by Accuracy as @ramaral explained.

1 answer


After getting a Location can use the method getAccuracy() to obtain the estimated accuracy in metres of that location.

The estimated accuracy is defined as the 68% radius of confidence: if you draw a circle centered at this latitude and longitude, with a radius equal to precision, there is a 68% probability of the true location being within the circle.

You can use this value to decide if you plot a route between the two points or if you use the route that the gps showed.

The lower the value returned by the method getAccuracy() greater is the accuracy of the location obtained.

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