Area of intersection of two polygons


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How to calculate the area of intersection between two polygons? For example:

a = matrix(c(0 ,0 ,2 ,0 ,2 ,2 ,0 , 2, 0, 0), byrow = T, ncol = 2)
b = matrix(c(.5, 0 ,1 , 1, 1.5, 0, .5, 0), ncol = 2, byrow = T)

The first column represents the x axis and the second the y axis, the polygon is closed.

3 answers


You can get an approximation using Monte Carlo method:

a = matrix(c(0 ,0 ,2 ,0 ,2 ,2 ,0 , 2, 0, 0), byrow = T, ncol = 2)
b = matrix(c(.5, 0 ,1 , 1, 1.5, 0, .5, 0), ncol = 2, byrow = T)


interseccao <- function(a,b, n = 100000){
  xmin <- min(a[,1], b[,1])
  xmax <- max(a[,1], b[,1])
  ymin <- min(a[,2], b[,2])
  ymax <- max(a[,2], b[,2])

  x_aleatorio <- runif(n, min = xmin, max = xmax)
  y_aleatorio <- runif(n, min = ymin, max = ymax)

  pontos_em_a <-, y_aleatorio, pol.x = a[,1], pol.y = a[,2])
  pontos_em_b <-, y_aleatorio, pol.x = b[,1], pol.y = b[,2])

  proporcao_intersec <- mean(pontos_em_a == 1 & pontos_em_b == 1)

  area_intersec <- (xmax-xmin)*(ymax - ymin)*proporcao_intersec


[1] 0.50368

In the Monte Carlo Method, random dots are generated in an area from which you already know the area. Then we determine the proportion of points that occur in the area you want to calculate, in this case, at the intersection of polygons. This proportion multiplied by the area in which the points were generated, returns the desired area.

Of course there must be an algorithm that calculates the exact area, but if an approximation is enough for you, it’s here.

  • The problem @Daniel is that I need to calculate the area of about 5000 polygons and use Monte Carlo will get very heavy, but solution is quite interesting.

  • Wagner, you can give an idea of the purpose of this, I think it will help us understand.

  • 3

    @Wagnerjorge agree that it can get heavy, to calculate this amount would take about 3min (the execution time of the function is around 35 ms). Anyway, this is just an idea, suddenly you can give up precision by taking a smaller sample for the Monte Carlo and thus accelerate the calculation. I’ve heard it’s better to waste processing time than programming :P


Finally I was able to calculate.


a1 = matrix(c(0 ,0 ,2 ,0 ,2 ,2 ,0 , 2, 0, 0), byrow = T, ncol = 2)
b1 = matrix(c(.5, 0 ,1 , 1, 1.5, 0, .5, 0), ncol = 2, byrow = T)

Another example

a2 = matrix(c(0,0,2,0,2,2,0,2), ncol = 2, byrow = T)
b2 = matrix(c(1.5,.5,3,0,2.25,2), ncol = 2, byrow = T)


interseccao <- function(a,b){
  a1 = as(a, "gpc.poly")
  b1 = as(b, "gpc.poly")
  res = intersect(a1, b1)
  res = as(res, "matrix")

Applying the function interseccao we have the polygon coordinates.


The function that calculates the area of any convex polygon is given by the Shoelace equation counterclockwise.

area_poligono = function(poligono){
  a = poligono[,1]
  b = poligono[,2]
  area1 = area2 = 0
  for(i in 1:length(a)){
    if(i < length(a)){ 
      area1 = area1 + (a[i]*b[i+1] - a[i+1]*b[i])
      area2 = area2 + (a[i]*b[1] - a[1]*b[i])
  area = .5*(area1 + area2) 
  • 1

    Wagner, you can’t post your function that calculates the area of a polygon?

  • Well thought out. I used the equation of Shoelace.

  • In the package sp it is still possible to use the function area.poly to calculate the area.


As the link below, access master’s dissertation of Sergio Lifschitz which deals with it, and which I will use as an example to explain what you can do.

Master’s dissertation - Sergio Lifschitz

The figure below refers to Page 53, Figure [A3-2].

Intersecção de polígonos

What you need to do with the algorithm in question is find the coordinates of the intersections, and by exclusion, be only with the resulting polygons (as if everything were a single figure) to calculate the total area.

As coordinates of intersections between polygons can be found through the calculation of the coordinates of the intersection of two lines, which is simple once you have generated the equation of each line (which is also simple) and this can be done with each set of four coordinates, a pair for each line.

For the calculation of the total area you need, can be done by means of triangles, by connecting the coordinates so that all divide the final figure as a whole into triangles, as I represented below:

Um único polígono divido em triângulos


See that there being coincidental coordinates (exactly equal of the two polygons, you can consider them as one, and so, in the end you will get every coordinate of the complete figure.

Afterward, by the internal areas of the polygons (in the dissertation and in other publications there are indications of how to identify the inner part of the polygon), generate each triangle and calculate each area in the sequence.

The equation of area of a triangle is:

A = (b x h) / 2


To = triangle area

b = base of the triangle

h = triangle height

Just calculate the size of the base and the same for the height.

I hope to have helped, or at least presented a way. Good luck!

  • The square and the triangle are just an example, the idea is that they are any polygons, can be contained, intersected or not.

  • I tried, it was something close to what I needed?

  • I really appreciate the effort, I’m thinking about the idea. I was able to program something that calculates the area of any convex polygon (my interest), the challenge now is just to form the polygon product of the intersection. If I can form the polygon, I solve the problem. In the morning I put this idea into practice.

  • 1

    Great, see in the dissertation that there it indicates how to do the algorithm. if you can present the solution or by memos how you got there. Cases like this interest me and unfortunately I cannot devote the time I would like to present the solution.

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