Class Rectangle, is there a circular class?


Viewed 86 times


I know that Class Rectangle is rectangular shaped for collision of objects, there is a Circular class for this purpose?

  • 2

    What is the context? Give more details, only with this can not even have idea of what you are talking.

1 answer


Yes, there is. It’s the Ellipse2d

You can use your methods contains and intersects to check collisions.

Of course an ellipse is not necessarily a circle; but an ellipse with height and width of the same measure is a circle :-)

Important to note that the class Ellipse2D in itself is abstract, so you should use your daughters Ellipse2D.Float or Ellipse2D.Double, depending on the desired accuracy. For example:

Ellipse2D elipse = new Ellipse2D.Float(x ,y, w, h);

To change the ellipse coordinates after instantiating it, use the method setFrame. For example:

elipse.setFrame(x, y, w, h);
  • you could give me an example of implementation, because I’m using Rectangle where the x ,y, width e height by the builder in this I don’t know where I pass them?

  • @Rodolfo You can pass the constructor as well. Edited answer.

  • 'Cause I can’t do it this.elipse.x = this.x ? already in the Rectangle worked

  • @Rodolfo When changing the ellipse, you need to set all your coordinates at the same time. Edited answer.

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