How to use foreach with mPdf library?


Viewed 396 times


Hello, my friends.

I’m in a tough spot, I know what it is, but I can’t fix it.

Well, I’m using the mPDF library to generate reports, it’s great and very simple to use. I am bringing information from the database and saving in a table and it is she who is to appear in the report, however only generates the last line of this table and this is obvious, because it does not have a repetition structure (foreach I am using) in it, consequently does not bring all the bank information.

This is my code:

    require_once ('../Controller/crudComissao.php');

   $idFuncionario = $row['idFuncionario'];
   $nomeFuncionario = $row['nomeFuncionario'];
   $valor = $row['valor'];

if (isset($_POST['btImprimir'])) {
$html = "
        <div class='container'>
        <div class='text-center'>
         <img src='img/logorelatorio.png' >
         <table class='table table-hover table-bordered'>
                        <th class='text-center'>Código</th>
                        <th class='text-center'>Nome do Corretor</th>
                        <th class='text-center'>Mês</th>
                        <th class='text-center'>Valor(R$)</th>

                        <td class='text-center'> $idFuncionario </td>
                        <td class='text-center'> $nomeFuncionario</td>
                        <td class='text-center'> $mes_nome </td>
                        <td class='text-center'>R$ $valor </td>
                        <td align='right'>Total</td>
                        <td align='center'>R$ $sum </td>

    $mpdf=new mPDF(); 
    $css = file_get_contents("css/cavalaro.css");
    $css = file_get_contents("css/bootstrap-3.3.6-dist/css/bootstrap.css");


I hope I’ve been clear. Thank you.

  • I’m also having the same problem. What I’m trying to do is finish html and start php and then I concatenate the variables. $mpdf->Writehtml($html."". $html2."". $html3);

  • $css = file_get_contents("css/cavalaro.css"); $css = file_get_contents("css/bootstrap-3.3.6-dist/css/bootstrap.css"); Two variables cannot receive different values pq vc will be overwriting its value.

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