Bring Existing and Non-existent Records


Viewed 51 times


I got the next thing:

$consulta   = Dealer::find(1);

No Model

# Serviços
public function dealer_servicos(){
    return $this->hasMany('App\DealerService', 'id_concessionaria');

So if I do:

@foreach($consulta->dealer_servicos as $value => $res)
   {!! $res->servico !!}

Brings me all the services that the dealership HAS.

It has as I use the same methodology to bring the services that the concessionaire HAS NOT ? That is, to simulate the LEFT OUTER JOIN.

I need all the records in the same query.

1 answer


I’m realizing you’re wearing one hasMany from Dealer to Dealerservice. I believe you will probably have a relationship to Dealer inside DealerService.

So you can use the method whereDoesntHave to do this.

$dealer = Dealer::find(1);

$dealerServices = DealerService::whereDoesntHave('dealers', function ($query) use($dealer)
        $query->where(['id' => $dealer->id]);


If you notice, you will notice that the small difference is that this query should be made "out of the relationship".

Expressing in words, the method whereDoesntHave is intended to make a "When Dealerservice has no relationship with Dealer id 1".

  • But he will bring everyone in the same consultation ?

  • Yes, but if you want to use the Paginate you have no problem

  • I’ll test it, if you don’t bring it all I’ll go up to MG and punch you in the middle of your mouth.

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