Column Not Found With Inner Join


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1 - Data from filter form
2 - That with i enter a Model relationship function. I do this because I need to sort my list by column order MEDIA.
3 - The strange thing is that I need to do an INNER JOIN for the same table because if not some columns I want to pick up in QUERY does not work. What I don’t understand about Laravel. Yes, I’m the one who’s wrong, but I don’t know where.
4 - Within this JOIN I seek dealerships that have ratings and that do not have, as I choose in the filter form, so I do this IF.
5 - Then I do the AVG(RATING) to bring the average ranking that the dealership has.
6 - The function ORDER_AVG and the CLOSURE are in the MODEL.
7 - In the filter form there is the option for the user to choose the records that have a certain average (1 to 5). That’s why I’m using the HAVING. But it doesn’t work, it doesn’t filter. I don’t understand why either.

$arrData        = Input::all();

$consulta       = Dealer::with(['order_avg'])
                ->join('dealer_ratings', function($q) use ($arrData){
                    if(array_key_exists('filterByAvaliacao', $arrData)){
                        if($arrData['filterByAvaliacao'] == 1)
                            $q->on('dealer_ratings.id_concessionaria', '=', '');
                            $q->on('dealer_ratings.id_concessionaria', '<>', '');
                        $q->on('dealer_ratings.id_concessionaria', '<>', '');

                    $q->whereNotIn('id_status', [1, 4]);
                ->selectRaw('*,, count( as qtd_avaliacoes, AVG(rating) as media')
                ->orderBy('media', 'desc')
                ->closure(function($query) use ($arrData){
                    if($arrData['filterByMarca'] && $arrData['filterByMarca'] != 0){

                    if($arrData['palavras-chaves'] != ''){
                        $query->where('concessionaria', 'REGEXP', $arrData['palavras-chaves']);


public function scopeClosure($query, \Closure $callback) {
   return $query;

# Order By Media de Stars
public function order_avg(){
    return $this->hasMany('App\DealerRating', 'id_concessionaria')
    ->selectRaw('AVG(rating) as media')
    ->having('media', '=', Input::get('filterByStars'));


I want to pick up a list of dealership conditioned by City and Brand. And in the same query bring the average ranking and ordered by it.

  • What’s the mistake you’re making?

  • The error is that HAVING does not work. No error, it is simply ignored... Rsrs

  • I also believe that I didn’t need those two JOINS in the same table.

  • There is an error in your function order_avg. The correct approach is to do this within a queryScope, as I taught in the other question. Then you would do Model::where(...)->orderAvg()->where()->where()->get()

2 answers


When we use Query Builder we have several ways to encode and when I realize that the code will require many lines, I separate by lines so that I can debug each line.


$arrData = Input::all();

$consulta = Dealer::with(['order_avg']);
$consulta = $consulta->join('dealer_ratings', function($q) use ($arrData){

$consulta = $consulta->selectRaw('*,, 
             count( as qtd_avaliacoes, 
             AVG(rating) as media');

And so on in the same footprint as your code. In this way I debug item by item when the generation happens not to work. I also use shortcuts (Scope) and unused Where nominees (in the world Laravel is condemned this kind of nomenclature, example whereId(1) which is the same thing as where('id','=',1), even this coexisting in the Laravel framework).

At this point I am more observing the code, but, as far as I could notice has coding logic errors. As reported in another answer the with is being used as join, but they are completely different things. In the order_avg make a simple Join, the result will start to clear and use the form that shows you from row to row by making a command per line returning to the same variable, thus always having the last Query Builder.

Also debug your SQL as described and shown in this link: Debugging Queries in Laravel:


$results = User::where(function($q) use ($request) {
    $q->orWhere('email', 'like', '%[email protected]%');
    $q->orWhere('first_name', 'like', '%John%');
    $q->orWhere('last_name', 'like', '%Doe%');

Code referring link:


select * from `users` where (`email` like ? or `first_name` like ? or `last_name` like

When the dd it will show the pure SQL being generated by the framework.


The method with Laravel’s sole and exclusive purpose is to bring results related to relationships.

In the context you are using the function order_avgseems to me much more like a Query Scope than a desire to load the relationships.

Query Scope aims to add a chunk of a query, which you will use a lot, to be reused.

For example, if I need to make a same complex Join for 30 queries, I will not give CTRL+C in the method (even because in OOP we have "reuse", and reuse is not CTRL+C + CTRL+V).

Then, to avoid these 30 repeated queries, Query Scope is used:


  public function scopeAtivos($query)
           ->where('nivel_id', '<>', 1);

Hence, instead of copying and pasting this query every time, it’s smarter to always do so:


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