Writing effect using javascript, setInterval does not work


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I’m trying to use the setInterval function to write 1 letter every second, but it didn’t work:

partText = "";

function escrever(text) {   
    for (i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
        partText += (text.charAt(i));   
        document.getElementById("texto").innerHTML = partText;

setInterval(escrever("teste"), 1000);

4 answers


You can do it like this:

function escrever(text) {
    var el = document.getElementById("texto");
    for (i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
        setTimeout(function(letra) {
            el.innerHTML += letra;
        }, 1000 * i, text[i]);
<div id="texto"></div>

jsFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/y18afv4t/

To be taken into account:

  • uses += to add HTML. Only = will replace everything
  • avoids document.getElementByID within the for, this is heavy for the browser. Cache as I did in the example.


Error is in two parts:

1 setInterval.

setInterval(escrever("teste"), 1000);

the correct is

setInterval(function(){escrever("teste")}, 1000);

2 Loop of repetition.

for (i = 0; i < text.length; i++)

Here he will always write everything in the text

Below the changes:

partText = "";
var index=-1;
function escrever(text) {   


      partText += (text.charAt(index));   
      document.getElementById("texto").innerHTML = partText;


var timer= setInterval(function(){escrever("teste")}, 1000);


  • I find it unnecessary to have a global variable just to save the .charAt In that case it would be nice to have a variable for document.getElementById("texto"), thus avoiding to always go to the GIFT to get it. Together also var to partText not to export to the global space.


The setInterval may not be a good one because it repeats indefinitely (until it is determined that it stops with clearInterval). What I recommend is that you use setTimeout that runs only once.

With that, your code would look something like this:

var partText = "";
function escreverNoObjeto (objeto, texto) {
    objeto.innerHTML = texto;

function escrever(text, intervalo) {
    var partText = '';
    var fn = function(texto) {
        return function() {
            /* pode ser document.getElementById("texto")*/
            escreverNoObjeto(document.body, texto);

    for (i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
        partText += text.charAt(i);

        setTimeout(fn(partText), intervalo * (i + 1));

escrever("teste", 1000);

You can still see it working on Jsfiddle

I hope I helped the/

  • Are you declaring var partText = ""; twice, I think it was forgetfulness, right? It would be good to cache the DOM object outside of fn which is called n times.


The parameters are not passed as you are doing:


setInterval(escrever, 1000, 'test');

Example in jsfiddle.

I don’t know if that’s what you want but so the impression of each letter is instantaneous, only in the whole str.

To make letter to letter:

<p id="texto"></p>

var testStr = 'Vamos lá escrever isto';
function escrever(i) {
    partText = testStr.charAt(i);   
    document.getElementById("texto").innerHTML += partText;
    i += 1;
    if(i < testStr.length) {
        setTimeout(escrever, 400, i); // timing entre cada impressão aqui

index_da_letra = 0;

Example in jsfiddle:

  • That function escrever is called eternally... when it stops?

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