On call to Entityidentifierreaderimpl#resolve, Entitykey was already known; should only happen on root Returns with an optional Identifier specified


Viewed 212 times


Using Hibernate with class:

Java text.

package br.com.meusite.model.documento;

public class Texto extends ABeanDao<Texto> {

     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

     private static final int cMaxTamanhoIndice = 2712;

     @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
     private Long idTexto;

     @Column(nullable = false, columnDefinition = "Text")
     private String textoBruto;

     @Column(nullable = false, columnDefinition = "Text")
     private String idAlternativo;

     @JoinColumn(name = "idTextoAnteriorParteDoTexto", nullable = true)
     @ForeignKey(name = "fk_texto_textoAnteriorParteDoTexto")
     private Texto textoAnteriorParteDoTexto;

     public Texto(){}

     //getters and setters


When you make a query with like in the bank through Hibernate I return at the end of the query the following message:

DEBUG ResultSetProcessorImpl:127 - Starting ResultSet row #0
DEBUG EntityReferenceInitializerImpl:142 - On call to EntityIdentifierReaderImpl#resolve, EntityKey was already known; should only happen on root returns with an optional identifier specified
DEBUG TwoPhaseLoad:160 - Resolving associations for [br.com.meusite.model.documento.Texto#265752]
DEBUG TwoPhaseLoad:286 - Done materializing entity [br.com.meusite.model.documento.Texto#265752]
DEBUG TwoPhaseLoad:160 - Resolving associations for [br.com.meusite.model.documento.Texto#265751]

Follow the consultation also.

select * 
    Texto texto0_ 
left outer join
    Texto texto18_ 
        on texto0_.idTextoAnteriorParteDoTexto=texto18_.idTexto 

But it would have to generate a query LIKE(texto0_.idAlternative like ? ) and nottexto0_.idText=?

What is the possible solution to the problem?

  • Post your query as well. Just for this query that gives the error? Any other query (crud) happens the problem?

  • No CRUD happens only that error

  • That’s at least unusual or suspicious: Texto extends ABeanDao<Texto>. What’s in this interface?

  • the interface is just a standard CRUD, are where have the methods of create, delete, Insert and select nothing else, in all other run normal

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