How to format the name of an item in a listbox?


Viewed 269 times


I have a project where I have to send files over the network to a server.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

When I click on the "add" button a box opens for the person to select the files they want to send and adds to a list that stores objects of type "File".

So far so good, but the name is appearing like in the image. As I do so that the name of the file appears?

3 answers


Use this function to return the formatted file name:

string formatarItem(string item) {
    return System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(item).Replace("_", " ");

So to add to the list, call the function like this:



One of the ways to do this is by redefening the method ToString class.

public override string ToString() {
    return "Meu texto aqui";

Another hypothesis is to define a value for DisplayMember. This property takes the name of a property in the class to display as text.

ListBox1.DisplayMember = "MeuCampoComTexto";
  • Thanks man! Yours was the simplest and what worked was this "Listbox1.Displaymember" that worked. I put the attribute "name" in it and the name of the file appeared. Thanks to the others also because I implemented it here and it became more beautiful.


So that the name of the selected files are listed in control list, implemented the code below.

Note that the MultiSelect allows the return of a collection that can be obtained by FileNames and inserted immediately by Items.AddRange of list.

ofd1.Title = "Selecione os arquivos";
ofd1.MultiSelect = true;
ofd1.InitialDirectory = @"C:\";

DialogResult dr = ofd1.ShowDialog();

// Se OK - Insere todos os arquivos selecionados pelo usuário no listbox
if (dr == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)   

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