I’m having a problem with a file.
The error appears only when I transfer the folder to the hosting (Locaweb).
In localhost using easyphp no error appears.
Does anyone know how to solve?
"Array() [Function.call-user-func-array]: First argument is expected to be a Valid callback, 'Array' was Given in /home/Storage/e/E1/8e/blessviagenseturismo/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 525"
Can you put the code here? I can’t see the code, I can’t tell what’s wrong with line 525 of your code. And what is this plugin.php for, what is your goal ? I hope I can help! Cumps
– Miguel Soeiro
do { foreach ( (array) Current($wp_filter[$tag]) as $the_ ) if ( !is_null($the_['Function']) ) call_user_func_array($the_['Function'], array_slice($args, 0, (int) $the_['accepted_args']); } while ( next($wp_filter[$tag]) !== false ); array_pop($wp_current_filter); } from line 522 to line 525 . anything follows imgem link https://imgur.com/SlSti1k
– Léo Vitor Rodrigues
Please edit your post and indent your code using the insert code option.
– StillBuggin