Considering the quantile regressions.
> x=rnorm(100,12,2)
> y=rnorm(100,0,4)
a<-rq(y~x,tau = .10)
b<-rq(y~x,tau = .15)
c<-rq(y~x,tau = .20)
d<-rq(y~x,tau = .25)
As I only have a constant and an explanatory variable I would like to put as columns X and the constant, ie "transpose" the result that the package stargazer
offers me, which is the opposite of this one:
stargazer(a,b,c,d,title="Regression Results",align=TRUE, dep.var.caption="",model.numbers=TRUE,intercept.bottom=FALSE,font.size="scriptsize",keep.stat="aic",dep.var.labels="",multicolumn=TRUE,ci=TRUE,ci.level=0.90,dep.var.labels.include=TRUE)
The stargazer
generates a table like this:
What I want is that each tau
is on the lines, thus having a table with tau´s
rows and 2 columns.
There’s like?
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– Luiz Vieira