Error while uploading site


Viewed 175 times


Guys I just uploaded a site of mine made in Laravel 5.2 with Pho 5.6 locally. I went up to a shared hosting in Locaweb that I have. I configured PHP 5.6 correctly and I went up the site here giving me the following error message.

Fatal error: Call to Undefined Function Symfony Polyfill Mbstring iconv_strpos() in /home/Storage/b/71/41/supra/public_html/vendor/symfony/polyfill-mbstring/Mbstring.php on line 351

This is the first site that I climb in version 5.2 of Laravel. In version 5.1 I never had any problems. See if you can help me. Thank you very much

  • Mbstring PHP Extension. This extension is enabled on the server ? Locaweb... you have to doubt everything.

  • @Peterparker Look at this in phpinfo de la. Additional . ini files Parsed: /etc/php56.d/20-mbstring.ini among other libraries on this line. I believe you are.

  • You have the website there ?

  • 1

    The best option is perhaps to change hosting :D

1 answer


That function that is giving error is not the PHP MBSTRING.

Notice that there is a namespace before:


This is a library of Symfony which provides functions if it does not exist in the system.

Maybe this could be a version error that was installed from this library.

You can try to rotate composer update before sending the files to the server.

Another problem I realized for those who are having this problem is when the php5-mbstring is not installed.

See how to proceed to installation:

 sudo yum install php55-mbstring

Source: Laravel: Call to Undefined Function Symfony Component Console mb_convert_variables()?

If it’s a shared server, contact technical support to see if they can activate this extension (depending on the change, even if it’s a shared server, they change it).

  • look I did it. Even through the doubts I removed the Vendor folder and sent it again and the error persists. I already searched and found nothing. I called Locaweb support and they said they don’t support programming.

  • @Joaonivaldo gives an internet search to see if you can activate the mbstring extension via htaccess... I don’t know, but it might help!

  • The Locaweb support solved the problem. The php server was in trouble and they reinstalled it then gave right. Thank you all.

  • The -1 must have a good reason, right, since the answer was accepted

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