Error when choosing theme for form


Viewed 59 times


I am making a form and when choosing the Dialog theme it informs that: Missing Styles. Is the correct Theme Chosen for this layout? as you can see below. If you cannot really use this theme, there is another way to make the form look more friendly?


Here is my Tyles eero3

and here is how my form currently:


  • 1

    just do what he’s asking, IE, where you see "Nexus 4", a small globe, etc, the "Theme combo box" is this before the globe, click on it and choose a theme, but if you want Voce can set a theme directly in your manifest: <application ... android:theme="@style/AppTheme" > in the case here Apptheme, but you can create your own theme

  • In my manifest this android:Theme="@style/Theme.Mytheme">, however the theme this is very weird. The best theme would be this Dialog

  • but Voce has this Mytheme somewhere in his "res"? folder usually a file in "app/main/res/values/Styles.xml"

  • Arnaldo edited the question with more information.

  • this warning will disappear when you choose the theme in the combo box that the studio is asking, the image of your screen is the one where appears "Dialog..." there in the bar

  • if the theme ta ok, can compile and run on the emulator or on a real device that it works without problems, I think, rss

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