iReport report on server


Viewed 55 times


Good morning guys. I have a problem here, that I found nothing on the net similar. I have a jsf project that generates a report in ireport, which works locally perfectly. I simulated a local server with Tomcat and it also worked perfectly. However, when I upload the application on the server of my work, it does not opens a new tab equal to the report button page, but no error or report. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions or has ever been through it. The server is Windows Server 2003. Thank you.

  • Hello. Welcome to stack overflow. Try giving more details about which error occurs on the server. Have you tried to get the Tomcat log on the server to see the error that occurs ?

  • Man, thank you, it worked. I had already looked at the logs, but with so many deploys I got confused in the logs, then I managed to find the right one and fix the error. Thank you very much

  • Dude see the log, but from what you narrated it is likely to be the path of jrxml or some subreport it opens.

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